WHERE: Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge
SUBJECT: Intimate Landscapes
SPEAKER: Tony Worobiec
WEBSITE: https://www.tonyworobiec.com/about.html
TIME: Tony’s talk will start promptly at 1930hrs.
A brilliant start to the year.
For many years Tony Worobiec was a highly successful teacher of art and photography, however in 2002 he made the decision to leave teaching in order to become a full-time writer and photographer.
He has recently completed his sixteenth book “Photographing Landscape Whatever The Weather” which is the subject of an all-day course he does in conjunction with The RPS. He regularly writes for photographic magazines both here in the UK and in America. As a professional educationalist, Tony Worobiec fully understands the learning process and will always ensure that the needs of all those attending his courses are fully met.